
Volker Jaenisch, PhD

1984 Jugend Forscht Program to visualize three-dimensional shapes wich shaded surfaces. Z80 computer with AMD co-processor: BASIC und Assembler. 
    Several years: Hacking, RPGs
1988 University of Gießen Studies of theoretical physics. Secondary studies of geology.
1997-1999 University of Gießen Simulation of large crystal lattices on IBM Workstations in C. Monte-Carlo simulation of the ion conductivity.
1999 University of Gießen Diploma thesis "Leitfähigkeitsanomalien in ungeordneten kristallinen Ionenleitern". 

Institute for tropospheric research, Leipzig

Fortran77/Python. Simulating the impact of three-dimensional turbulence on the formation rates of aerosol particles. The very clever method of this simulation reduces the three-dimensional problem to a simple one-dimensional one reducing the calculation time by some powers of ten. 

Python: Dispatching the calculation time on all available Silicon Graphics, IBM, SUN Server und PCs in the institute to get finished with the simulation in my life span.

Delphi: Development of a fitting software to parametrize the 6-dimensional result set of time series as a simple coefficient matrix of a function with 4 parameters, with an accuracy of the time series of 95% in average.

2002 Stratos AG, Zwenkau

Position ended. Need money to write my dissertation.

Senior Software-Developer. Delphi: Software for the management of travel expenses. Delphi/Python: Embedded Python interpreter to create a small interpreter language for the description and the rendering of printed forms. Thus eliminating the burden to compile a new executable if a customer needs a single letter changed in a  form.

2003 University of Leizig PhD thesis  "Der Einfluß turbulenter Mischungsprozesse auf die Bildungsraten atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel"
2004 Leipzig Launch of Inqbus IT-Consulting, CEO to the day
2005 Leipzig Launch of Inqbus Hosting GbR (zusammen mit Maik Derstappen), CEO to the day
2011 Leipzig Formation of Inqbus GmbH & Co KG. Four striking software companies from Leipzig melt together
2013 Leipzig/Schongau Liquidation of Inqbus GmbH & Co KG. Sometimes the sum is less than its parts
2015 Schongau

Renaming "Inqbus IT-consulting" to "Inqbus Scientific Computing".

The initial name does no longer match the focus. Ten years ago I did consulting, but currently inqbus is producing high-quality software mainly for scientific purposes. Consulting was never much fun - I like to program and dig deep into problems - that's fun.


Together with my wife Ina (also PhD in Meteorology) and our daughter Elfi I life in south Bavaria near the alps. Munich is 100 kilometers away and the famous castle of Neuschwanstein lies 30 kilometers to the south. We have a large garden populated by our three cats, maintained mostly by Ina.

In my spare time, I work as the speaker for a small but very active group of photographers.

Sandra Rum, BIT

2004-2012 Martin-Rinckart-Gymnasium, Eilenburg Successful participation in several scientific competitions during school
seit 2008   First intensive use of PCs as drawing tool
2012 Martin-Rinckart-Gymnasium, Eilenburg Completion of the baccalaureate with scientific severity and award for mathematical achievements
2012-2015 Leipzig Cooperative Studies at the University of Cooperative Education Leipzig in computer science with Inqbus as a practice partner
2015 Leipzig/Schongau Graduated as valedictorian and started as a Junior Software Developer at Inqbus